Monday, June 20, 2011

Child's safety

    I have not been in a very good mood since friday due to a flu.  I tried to be cautious about not to be in direct contact with my kids ,and sprayed Lysol on everything that I touched. Washing hands was more frequent than ever.  I skipped church on Sunday. Then  Monday, I heard my youngest son started coughing, not a good sign, I'm hoping he will get over it soon. Driving my way to work I saw a mother crossing the street with two of her kids lagging behind her, the kid was probably about 5 years old, and he was about eight feet away from his mom. I wanted to yell at the mom and wanted to tell her to watch over her kids especially crossing a busy street. Please don't have anymore kids if you can't even watch one or two, or better yet give it to people who will protect them the way they should be protected.

   Kids who are 6 years old and below, still don't have a good perception on a lot of things. Guidance is at stake. There's a lot of things that red flags are raised.  Leaving them on the playground while you get busy talking on the phone with somebody, or chatting to someone else in the park, isn't a very good idea. Check on your kids every minute of the day. There are so many crazy people out there. Even in your own yard, you have to check them every now and then. a little squeal or a thud you hear from inside your house, go and run, and see what's going on.  There's nothing wrong with being watchful, than not being one at all.

   Never leave your kids inside your car, even if you think that it's only going to be a few minutes away from your car. The car can be a huge oven especially on summer days. leaving your kids can cause extreme dehydration and even death to your loved ones.
    My house has a basement where I have my gaming station set up, of course my kids would normally spend a lot of time playing xbox games. I don't have time playing games, so I'd go about doing other fun stuff like cleaning the house, laundry, preparing food and other things in the main level of my house. Even though the basement  is safe, I still call their names constantly and asks them how they are, and I'd go and check them out every now and then, while I am doing all the joyful tasks on weekends.
    Never leave them to baby sitters that you don't know very well. If you have to pay baby sitters, check on their backgrounds and ask people who knows them very well. If you have the money to install security camera's, the better. Teach your kids to call 911 or  teach them safety drills , like getting out of a house when there's a fire, how to use the phone, how to defend themselves by screaming out loud, or  when a stranger is trying to hurt them kicking hard, and kicking body parts that will let go of them.
    When it comes to eating food, they'd always want "something tasty" or "something good". You have to teach them what and how to eat right Always check your food's expiration dates, before giving them to your kids. Sometimes we just make pancakes without checking expiration dates, ready mix pancakes are bad when it's expired, bacteria starts growing in those nasty expired pancake mix. So when it's expired, throw it away. Anything that's expired is garbage. Do not attempt to donate it to boy scouts or girl scouts food drive. Be a good neighbor.
   My thoughts are overwhelming and I'll be writing more later or perhaps organize this blog a little bit more.... just not feeling well. Hope to see you soon in my next blog. Don't get sick.

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